The plant prefers regular garden soil or rich soil, with good moisture and sun. Egyptian Walking Onions can also be susceptible to various fungal diseases like Black Spot and Powdery Mildew. Kids love their shapes and adults love their flavor. between each bulb if you like big, pungent onions. Walking onions are also known as tree onions, growing well from the sub-tropics to cold temperate regions, and autumn and winter are the best time to plant them. Your prevailing wind will likely influence the direction that they walk in (as in away from the wind). Cut the greens in early spring to use like scallions or chives. Despite being an “old-time” kind of onion, these are a bit of a novelty vegetable today. How to Plant Egyptian Walking Onions These perennial onions can be started using either the top set bulbs that form above ground or by planting the bunching bulbs from below ground. In spite of their nickname of Egyptian Walking Onions, tree onions Allium x proliferum do not need hours and hours of sunlight in the Summer months and are actually fully Winter hardy in the UK and similar zones elsewhere. When the bluish-green stalk gets top-heavy, the stalk fall over, creating new roots and a new plant where the bulbs touch the ground. The Egyptian Walking Onion plant is also very prolific (hence the Latin name Allium x proliferum). How and when to plant your Egyptian Walking Onion sets: Plant each "topset" in the soil about 2 inches deep. I set those at about 2 inches deep to get the best results. They prefer growing in full sun, are extremely hardy and easy to grow. Another cluster of sets will grow at the end of this second stalk giving the plant a … Plant in spring or in fall. Egyptian Walking Onions are related to the annual onions you grow in your garden. Fungal diseases are commonly found in the soil. Walnuts. Storage onions have to be planted in February. When growing annual onions, rotating your rows annually is a good practice to prevent pest and pathogen problems. Egyptian Walking Onion . deep, with 6 to 10 inches (15-25 cm.) Egyptian Walking Onions in April. That being said, these plants are also relatively tolerant of less than perfect soils. Now, there is some controversy over how to deep to plant the bulbs. Plant in full sun to part sun and deep, humus-rich soil with good drainage. Ships in fall 2020. In early spring, the greens and young bulbs can be used as scallions. Onions can be planted any time from earliest spring until the snow falls. How to Grow Egyptian Onions. Most onions don't like the direct application of nitrogen. Egyptian walking onions, also called tree onions, perennial onions, winter onions, or just walking onions belong to the allium genus. If you have boggy soil, you may want to consider planting them in large containers for better drainage. In mild Mediterranean climates, walking onions are best grown as a cool-season annual. Onion plants are heavy feeders and need constant nourishment to produce big bulbs. If this is a recurring problem, avoid mass plantings of onions. Treating them as annuals is about as labor intensive as planting spring, scallion, or long-storing onions. Ships in fall 2020. You can plant Egyptian Walking Onion topsets in the winter as long as the soil is not frozen. Though, they will not be as productive as full-sun grown plants. However, by the second year of growth, both underground bulbs and top sets tend to produce similarly-sized onion plants. Who wouldn't want a perennial supply of delicious, entirely edible onion plants? Depending on what time of year you plant, it can take days to weeks for the onion greens to break ground. Leave a few plants in your garden every year if you want the plants to keep walking for decades to come, but pull any that walk where they aren’t welcome. Egyptian walking onions have three main parts – the bulb that grows underground, the green stalk above ground and the bulbils or “topsets” that grow out of the top. Or use the bulbs in recipes like pickled onions. Check places like Etsy, Amazon, edible and permaculture focused nurseries, and specialty vegetable offerings from reputable seed companies. viviparum. I've been adding perennial vegetables to my garden lately, so the walking onions were a great addition. Egyptian Walking Onions grow perennially in beds. Sets are produced on leaf tips in late summer, becoming heavy enough to tip the leaf to the ground. You can also pick the onions, separate them and plant them where you choose. Like multiplier onions, you can harvest the bulbs around the outside to eat. That they are an attractive ornamental only adds to the benefit of these plants. Soil should be slightly moist and well drained. Avoid planting these perennial onions near members of the brassica family such as cabbage, kale, or broccoli. Open up your plant parcel as soon as it arrives. Egyptian onions are worth having around–they can provide a … Like most other members of the allium family, these plants do better with good soil drainage. Think about starting your patch today! The bigger the bulblet, the better the growth. Use them around your garden area to repel vermin, deer, and rabbits. Plant in well-draining soil. Because the bulbs are so small and delicious, you can also use these fresh from the garden. Generally, the thing you will notice is these beautiful little mini-onions clustered in a bouquet, growing out of the greens. However, a little extra attention goes a long way toward making these plants more productive. Egyptian Walking Onions grow perennially in beds. proliferum ) Grows well all through North America (zones 3-9). Otherwise, thin the plant as needed and divide the mother plant whenever it becomes overgrown or less productive – usually every two or three years. Soon, the weight of those top set bulbets begins to fold the greens over toward the ground. Plant them on the southside of fruit trees and bushes as a natural pest deterrent. I always have plenty to give away. Cut off Egyptian onion top-sets with pruning shears in mid- to late summer and fall. They require virtually no maintenance once planted and will come back year after year. However, in the second year of growth, the magic begins. As sets root the cycle is repeated and the onion continues to walk. They can be pickled or sliced into salads. Onion, Egyptian Walking Onion Short Description. "Available again in April 2021. They may develop a few small flowers. If you have more than the occasional instance of root rot in your underground bulb, or if you have persistent pest problems, consider relocating your patch every 3-4 years. Once planted, the bulbs easily divide, and within Plant … These perennial onions can be started using either the top set bulbs that form above ground or by planting the bunching bulbs from below ground. Once planted the bulbs underground will multiply and can be eaten like a small, regular onion or a shallot. Egyptian Walking Onion plants can walk between 1 and 3 feet per year! The leaves died back to the ground, and the plant did not re-emerge again until spring. I am an onion addict. After planting them in your garden you will have onions every year for years to come!Egyptian Walking Onions are also called "Tree Onions, Egyptian Tree Onions, Top Onions, Winter Onions, or Perennial Onions. Now that I am trying to grow our food at home, I have learned just how hard it is to produce a year-round onion supply. Harvesting Egyptian Walking Onions. Plant each top set 2″ deep, with 6″-10″ between plants and 1′ between rows. A single Egyptian walking onion plant can travel twenty-four inches (61 cm.) If they hit good soil, they root and start the process again. The don't produce big bulbs, but what they lack in size they make-up for in quantity. On the other hand, if you prefer a steady harvest of green, milder onions, or if you want to use the stalks like chives, plant the bulbs 2 to 3 inches (5-8 cm.) One Egyptian walking onion plant can travel 24 inches (61 cm.) Set the onion bulbs in the soil about 2 inches (5 cm.) Egyptian walking onions are known by several names, including top-set onions and tree onions. Plant in rows about 1 foot apart. Water well. Egyptian walking onions taste much like shallots, although slightly more pungent. They are one of the first plants to poke through the ground in the spring. I’m not really so anal that I always count seeds in a bag, but I did them this time for my audience because I knew that I … Around year three, you will need to divide the underground bulbs to avoid crowding. deep, with 6 to 10 inches (15-25 cm.) Walking onions grow 2 to 3 feet tall in 6- to 12-inch-wide clumps. Air-bound bulblets will sprout new smaller stalks, which fall over and replant themselves, hence the name Walking. An Egyptian Walking Onion topset looks like, and essentially is, a miniature onion. Harvesting your walking onions is easy. As a perennial, it takes longer to get started than annual onions. Plant starts or offsets in late fall and winter or in early spring. However, they still produce bulbs above and below ground every year. I suspect, given their increasing popularity, we might see new varieties emerge in the future. Set the onion bulbs in the soil about 2 inches (5 cm.) These are all just different ways of describing the same plant. They continue to grow late into the fall and all summer long as well. Egyptian walking onions are one of my favorite kinds of onions because they are so easy to care for and have almost no problems. 100 Topsets: for the expert gardener who loves their onions and wants to start out with a good sized Egyptian Walking Onion patch. Give plants enough space for proper air circulation. Since these plants are so cold and heat hardy and will happily replant themselves to expand your crop from year to year, the best way to plant your bulbs is direct in the ground. Learn how to plant this unique variety so … If you plant in fall or early spring, you may be able to harvest the underground multiplier bulbs in year one. They may also be planted close together in clusters for an ornamental addition to any garden. Like all their onion cousins, Egyptian walking onions don’t appreciate heavy, wet soil. The greens can be used like spring onions. The underground multiplier-type bulb seems to do better when I start them deeper in the soil. Egyptian Walking Onions are one of the first plants to emerge in the spring even when there is still snow on the ground. They are planted like onion sets let's take a look how easy it is! In the first year, you most likely will not have any top set bulbs. If you can dig a 2" deep hole in the soil, then you can plant your sets. Egyptian Walking Onions, also called tree onions and winter onions, are a cross between a shallot and a bunching onion regarding taste. These plants begin growing green tops in late winter, even in cooler regions. Fall plantings are ideal, but walking onions can be successfully planted throughout the growing season. Then the stem dies and breaks, the lump comes crashing to earth and the bulbils break free and scatter. Egyptian Walking Onions (Allium cepa, viviparum) Egyptian walking onions don’t stay where you originally plant them. Place your plant in a light, airy position and give it some water. Although it’s possible to plant Egyptian walking onions in spring, you won’t be able to harvest onions until the following year. My favorite method for fertilizing my perennial onions is trench composting. Mulching can also minimize weed pressure and increase yields. However, they are easy to grow in full sun and average, well-drained soil with a pH between 6.2 and 6.8. Jul 4, 2018 - If you love onions and would like to have your own home-grown onions available year-round, you should consider Egyptian Walking Onions. Based on this experience, I recommend weekly watering to simulate one inch of rain when rain is sparse. Need more walking onion information? This plant also produces edible bulbs both above and below ground. That's why, when I discovered Egyptian Walking Onions, I couldn't believe every gardener on the planet didn't have these. Welcome to The Grapevine where for 15 years we've helped to make growing vegetables easy. Egyptian Walking OnionsAlium cepa var proliferum This is a small bulbing onion that is just ever so awesome. If you are planting for the sake of green onions, wait until spring to plant. However be prepared to offer some protection from really wet periods, a good mulch will do the job or a cloche. The top set bulbs are usually the easiest to buy. They’ll Colonise your Garden Though the Egyptian Walking Onion is not invasive, it … COMMON NAMES: walking onions; Egyptian onions; topset onions FAMILY: Alliaceae, the onion family PLANT DESCRIPTION Tree onions produce up to 6-10 tender, juicy, mild onions at the base of the plant; and a stiff stem with 6-8 bulbils, or little onions, at the top. Walking onions are self-replicating, but the process can be augmented by dividing the top sets and replanting to a distance. Egyptian Walking Onions are one of the few plants that can grow in proximity to walnut trees. They can also tolerate partial shade. You plant Egyptian walking onions in early spring for the best results. Otherwise, though, I left the plant alone. Among these perennials are the Egyptian Walking Onion. Keep your onion patch weeded; weeds will compete with your plants for water. between each bulb … Mulch underneath plants to prevent transmission of the pathogen to the plant leaves. It is a different sort of onion, but in a good way! You may come across three different Latin names for Egyptian Walking Onions including Allium cepa var. Since these share a common pest, it's better not to locate them close to each other. Space the plants three to six inches apart. This is absolutely true. To make harvesting easier, keep a one-foot wide access path between each row. As long as you leave at least one bulb in the ground, the plant will grow the following year again. They range in size from 1/4 inch to 1 inch in diameter. They may be small in size their first year, but the bulbs tend to increase in size every year. Among these perennials are the Egyptian Walking Onion. Many people still don’t know that this onion is a perennial. Unlike most onion varieties, Egyptian walking onions (Allium x proliferum) set bulbs at the top of the plant – each with numerous small onions that you can harvest for planting or eating. To make matters worse, when spring rolls around, stored onions like to sprout and rot before I have a new harvest to replace them. Egyptian walking onions prefer full sun. Spring and bunching onions help cover the gaps from late spring to early summer. All parts are edible! Growing Egyptian Walking Onions – 100 Onions In A Bag I ordered 100 onions from and I actually received 139 in the bag. I'll dig a 6-inch deep trench between my rows or about 1-foot up-slope from my patch. Egyptian Walking Onions hate wet feet! They grow under the snow during the winter and are ready for harvest about 3 … They are one of the first plants to poke through the ground in the spring. Since fungal pathogens can live in the soil a long time and may already be present, prevention is the best answer. Egyptian Walking Onions are hardy for USDA planting zones 3 – 9. ... Last year my Egyptian walking onions struggled in the 105 degree weather we had throughout last May . If you are planting a patch so it can “walk” and expand on its own, note that these plants can walk about 18-24 inches in a year. This process is why people call these Egyptian “Walking” Onions. Egyptian walking onions (Allium proliferum) grow from a perennial plant that produces onion bulbs, green onions and also top-sets. Just like all onions, they do not grow in wet or extremely heavy soils. Egyptian walking onions grow in full sun and prefer loamy sand or sandy loam soil. proliferum ) Grows well all through North America (zones 3-9). You can plant these in raised beds, prepared garden rows, edible landscapes, permaculture food forests, and more. The little onions have tiny root nubs and small green leaf blades, and those that hit the ground “right-side up” grow. Egyptian Walking Onions are one of the first plants to emerge in the spring even when there is still snow on the ground. Egyptian Walking Onions make great companions for most fruits and vegetables. You can plant these perennial onions any time the ground can be worked. Cut and break apart the top set bulbs from mid-summer to fall and use as you would chives or garlic. Plant … In the ground, one plant will divide into many over a few years and form a clump of onion bulbs. In the first year, the plant primarily produces onion greens. Walking onions are self-replicating, but the process can be augmented by dividing the top sets and replanting to a distance. Heirloom perennial onion that "walks" across the ground as it grows season to season. The hardy bulbs set bulblets on stalks. The hardy bulbs set bulblets on stalks. each year, resulting to about 6 new plants. This is a bit more difficult with perennial onions. Dig around the root mass in late summer or fall beginning in the second year of planting. proliferum, Allium cepa var. Plant in rows about 1 foot apart. Bulbs for planting are easier to find in late summer and fall when they are harvested. Planting the underground bulb will usually produce larger greens in the first year. As such, they very much appreciate good vegetable garden soil. Egyptian Walking Onions I have started harvesting my first crop for the season: Egyptian Walking Onions. Copyright © 2020 Sign up for our newsletter. As a test, I planted some bulbs in a heavy clay area, overrun with weeds, on a slope. If you are willing to wait a while for germination, you can also just put the top sets on the ground and cover them with compost. You can also plant the top set bulbs as annuals to harvest for the greens during the summer and the bulb in fall. They have sucking mouthparts that puncture the onion greens and suck out plant juices. "Tree Onion": Egyptian Walking Onions are known for their ability to grow a twisting stalk from the cluster of sets at the top of the plant. Store the cured bulbs in a cool basement or cellar for several months. There is a shade tree in one corner of my garden that is useful for veggies that don't like the heat . Planting the underground bulb will usually produce larger greens in the first year. Walking onions are perennials; they overwinter and grow back when the weather warms up. I send them through the mail with no ill effects. I love growing perennials in my garden! Once planted the bulbs underground will multiply and can be eaten like a small, regular onion or a shallot. Heirloom perennial onion that "walks" across the ground as it grows season to season. In spite of their nickname of Egyptian Walking Onions, tree onions Allium x proliferum do not need hours and hours of sunlight in the Summer months and are actually fully Winter hardy in the UK and similar zones elsewhere. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Egyptian walking onions have three main parts – the bulb that grows underground, the green stalk above ground and the bulbils or “topsets” that grow out of the top. Large infestations of thrips, though, can take out an entire crop. Allium cepa, Proliferum Group Egyptian onions, also known as tree or walking onions, are very hardy perennials. Egyptian Walking Onions (Allium proliferum) are a perennial onion, also known as Tree Onions or Winter Onions. They grow well in a pot or in the garden bed. Egyptian Walking Onions make great companions for most fruits and vegetables. Storing your onions is also easy. Your onion supply will be there, faithfully waiting. 2 Reviews Add Your Review ... Also known as tree onions and perennial onions, the plants produce bulbs at both the top and bottom of the plant, you can harvest and eat all parts of the plant, bottom bulbs, stems and the … As the plants stumble onwards, you might, according to many gardeners, find yourself with an embarrassment of onions. Planted early enough in the fall, sets will have time to grow a few inches tall and produce sets the next year. Divide your mature onion plants about every three years for maximum production. I covered about a square foot area with two inches of compost. I find these onions are fascinating to grow in the garden. By using them, you naturally control that spreading habit. Planting Shallot Sets: How To Grow Shallot Sets, Harvesting Shallots: When Is It Time To Harvest A Shallot Plant, DIY Christmas Fairy Gardens – Fairy Garden Ideas For Christmas, Christmas Tree Alternatives: Making A Boxwood Tabletop Tree, DIY Flower Pot Christmas Tree: Making A Terra Cotta Christmas Tree, Cold Hardy Banana Trees: Growing A Banana Tree In Zone 8, Growing Hinoki Cypress: Care For Hinoki Cypress Plants, What Is Inorganic Mulch: Learn About Using Inorganic Mulch In Gardens, Transplanting A Hellebore – When Can You Divide Lenten Rose Plants, Evergreen Favorite: Container Grown Olive Trees, Evergreens In My Heart – Three Must Have Evergreen Trees, Decisions, Decisions: Choosing An Evergreen In The Landscape, Spruce Trees For Landscaping - Spruce It Up With Evergreens. I have started harvesting my first crop for the season: Egyptian Walking Onions. Thankfully, they generally cause plants harm only when plants are in poor health, are over-watered, or do not have enough air circulation. This will allow for proper air circulation and a wide zone for roots to access minerals and nutrients. The onion to plant if you always want onions. ... You can plant the whole bulbet set 2" deep and will have a bunch of onions growing in no time. All parts are edible! The green onion part is thick and tall, up to 20 inches tall in fertile soil. Any post on this blog may contain affiliate links that pay me a very small commission for items you purchase using the links but costs you nothing extra. Egyptian onion care is uninvolved and basically just requires keeping the soil lightly moist, but never soggy or drenched. Thrips are tiny fly-like critters with four wings. With a few showers of rain and time, they will plant themselves deeper and begin growing. Egyptian onions are perennial and they will eventually walk across your garden. For large infestations, regular applications of neem oil can help deter these pests. If you are planting a patch of these perennial onions with the intention of harvesting both the top sets and the underground bulbs, give plants about at least one square foot of space each. You have probably surmised by now that these onions won't need a whole lot of care to keep them growing. This plant makes an excellent companion for Walnut-based food forests, as long as you give it sufficient sunlight. You can identify their damage by the whitish spots or streaks on the leaves where they have been feeding. They can also withstand early frosts and snow falls in colder areas. Jugulone in walnut roots prevents many other plants from growing. However, they take a lot of work too. However, plants under stress may be susceptible to issues that healthy plants can resist. Egyptian Walking Onion (Allium ×proliferum), also called Tree Onions, Egyptian Tree Onions, Top Onions, Winter Onions, or Perennial Onions, is a perennial onion that comes back every year stronger than the previous year. If you are interested in a permaculture garden, Egyptian Walking Onions are a perfect addition. You can see from this pic why they’re sometimes called tree onions! How and when to plant your Egyptian Walking Onion sets: Plant each "topset" in the soil about 2 inches deep. Plant in full sun where you intend to have them for a long time. The ideal planting time for growing walking onions is between summer and the first frost for a harvest the next growing season. However, some sources may still treat the tree onion as A. cepa var. Location. Plant them on the southside of fruit trees and bushes as a natural pest deterrent. Below ground, the original bulb divides and makes more bulbs. Egyptian Walking Onions hate wet feet! If you plan to harvest some as green onions, you can plant them closer together. Some growers even plant their bulbs in as deep as 3 inches. Even in less than ideal soil to start, by adding compost to your onion patch each year, you can get good yields with Egyptian Walking Onions. Also, avoid planting onions near cabbage or other brassicas since onion thrips feed on those plants as well. A few inches of mulched leaves, straw, or hardwood mulch are good slow-nitrogen options for perennial onion beds. As clumps get bigger, the plants become more crowded, and the bulbs, though many, do not grow as large. Keep them out of direct sunlight during the curing period. As their scientific name "Allium proliferum" states, these As their scientific name "Allium proliferum" states, these hardy little onions are very prolific. All Rights Reserved. I use them in everything from soups to salads to sides and more. If you love onions, then trust me, you will want to add these incredible perennial beauties to your landscape or vegetable garden. It is a different sort of onion, but in a good way! First, the onion tops will start to grow taller than your typical onion greens. When this happens, if left to their own devices, those top sets will replant themselves and grow more onion plants. Egyptian walking onions grow in full sun and prefer loamy sand or sandy loam soil. The sets will … They also make a great conversation piece if you plant them near your outdoor dining area. As such, growers have not cultivated lots of different choices. In the second year, top set bulbs should appear. Those bulbs had a much slower start and never grew quite as tall as my plants in good garden soil. There aren't multiple “varieties” of Egyptian Walking Onions. Egyptian Top-Set Onion Sets: These unique perennial heirloom onions, also known as "tree onions" or "walking onions", form clusters of very small bulblets or sets on the tips of the leafstalks. The sets should be spaced approximately 6-10 inches apart in each row. After the top-sets appear, allow them to grow until the greens turn brown and dry. The soil should be… The ideal planting time for growing walking onions is between summer and the first frost for a harvest the next growing season. Since the top sets are designed to plant themselves, I plant those about 1 inch deep to encourage faster sprouting. For now, just finding bulbs to plant can be tough. Soil should be slightly moist and well drained. Harvest the outer multiplier bulbs to use like other onions. After that, they must be stored and cured. My onion patch started out with the small plants from my friend, and as that summer passed the onion … These eventually cause the stem to bend to the ground allowing the bulblets to take root into the soil and grow into new plants. Again, though, many growers have reported that these plants have even survived flood conditions. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Walking onions are also known as tree onions, growing well from the sub-tropics to cold temperate regions, and autumn and winter are the best time to plant them. However, they are easy to control and aren’t considered invasive. Walking Onion Plants (Allium x proliferum) By Dave Whitinger (All Things Plants) [GFDL,CC-BY-SA-3.0] (Photo Credits) Fruit Trees > Herbs and Spice Plants > Walking Onion The easiest to grow of all onions, these onions are also known as Egyptian and top-setting onions. 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