Methods for propagating a ZZ plant On a south-facing windowsill, the plant should be behind sheer curtains. Zizi plant thrives in plenty of light, away from direct sunlight, average room humidity, and a temperature between 65 and 75°F (18 – 24°C). The toxic substances are found in the plant’s sap. However, this is entirely controllable by cutting back on watering. Watering a ZZ plant can cause the rhizomes to become soggy and rotten. *Available for local delivery or pickup within Le On the other hand, many plants can be propagated by rooting cuttings. Yellowing leaves can occur, especially at the base of the stem, if you are over-watering the houseplant. You can use fertilizer to help boost plant growth during spring and summer. Just make sure that it is not in direct sunlight all day, and bring it inside as soon as the temperature drops. Notice to All Users Intending to Download Photography and/or Logos from This Website. If your plant’s stems ever start to get wacky or grow into spaces you don’t want them to be in, you can easily prune the plant by snipping the stems off. At the end of the article, you can find out how to spot signs of damaged or diseased ZZ plant roots. Why is your ZZ Plant not growing? Sometimes the issue seems too big and you don’t want to deal with it. Snipped stems are one way you can propagate a ZZ plant. The ZZ Raven plant family requires minimal care: low light & low water tolerant. The best time to repot your Zamioculcas plant is in spring when it starts growing. They are also hardy indoor plants that are resistant to disease. They appear near the base of the stems from mid-summer until early fall. License required for propagation. Illegally download plants! There is only one species of plant in the genus Zamioculcas. Says who?! 2 2 1 122. comments. There is also a dwarf variety, ‘Zamicro,’ which is a bit smaller than the regular variety. Native to Africa. So, don’t let the container sit in a tray of water. ZZ plant soil should be well-draining and shouldn’t be excessively watered. The leaf propagation method is the easiest way to grow a new ZZ. ZZ plants don’t need a lot of light or water to keep their lush, green foliage shiny and glossy. Most aroid plants from the Araceae family contain calcium oxalate. Raven ZZ Plant. Best growth with temps 65-79°F. Gently remove the stems and rhizomes from the pot and shake off excess soil. Says who?! Raven® was discovered in Asia in 2015 and patented by its discoverer, who has granted us exclusive rights to propagate it in North America. Here’s the perfect opportunity to pick up all the tips and tricks for keeping your plants happy through the cooler months. Caring for an eternity plant couldn’t be easier when you consider it is resistant to pests and diseases. The resulting plants are identical to the parent plant. Some early morning or late evening sun is fine, but too much direct sunlight during the day can cause leaf burn. You will know the leaves need some moisture when their tips turn brown. In this case, it’s more likely “Fuck Monsanto!”. To care for your ZZ, you should plant it in a pot containing well-draining potting soil. On the other hand, many plants can be propagated by rooting cuttings. Prop’d it anyway for my bf. Also, keep the plant away from kids or pets to prevent them from chewing on the leaves. This only usually happens if your ZZ is outside in a container. Also called the Zizi plant, Zuzu plant, Zanzibar gem, steel plant, aroid palm, emerald palm, and eternity plant, this plant is perfect for growing indoors. But remember, those yellow and dying pieces won’t do any good. It may take some time for roots to develop, so patience is necessary. ZZ plants also produce flowers; however, these are small and not very showy. ZZ plant grows best in bright, indirect sunlight. If you want your emerald palm to look its best, keep your room at an even temperature. It’s actually pretty cool, and it’s a great experiment to do with kids because they can clearly see the new growth happening. Here’s how to propagate a ZZ Plant cutting: The tiny bugs cause small yellow spots to appear on the leaves. The Black ZZ Raven is the crave amongst houseplant collectors but perfect for beginners. Most plants propagate with seeds in the wild. Looking after a steel plant in the home is easy because average room humidity is perfect for healthy growth. Because RAVEN™ ZZ plant ‘Dowon’ is now part of the Trending Tropicals® Collection it's available now online and in stores! Most ZZ plants have glossy green leaves, but Raven ZZ plant, Z. Zamiifolia ‘Dowon,’ is a newer variety grown in North America by Costa Farms with dark purple foliage that looks almost black. ZZ plant doesn’t required frequent watering. Another sign of an aphid infestation is sticky fluid on the foliage. Many consider it to be a slow grower but mine has been growing at a moderate rate. During winter, you should mist your houseplants every so often. share. I think they're more interested in going after other greenhouses or individuals mass-propagating to sell, in which case Costa Farms would file a federal lawsuit alleging patent infringement (assuming the seller is in the US). The flowers are a type of spathe which is standard on many other aroid plants in the family Araceae. He very willingly gives the plant to anyone who asks, he really just doesn't like his research being stolen for profit. The ZZ plant is very slow growing, so it really doesn’t need a lot of pruning. Put your ZZ plant in and fill with the remaining potting mix. Notice to All Users Intending to Download Photography and/or Logos from This Website. You’ll receive a mini Surviving Winter kit with Raven Zz plant, White Oil (organic pest prevention), Plant Nutrients, and a Raven Zz Care booklet. In fact, my ZZ plant even shot out plenty of … Give it proper care as detailed in this post, and your ZZ plant will grow quickly too! Common name: ZZ Plant. This is applicable both for the common green ZZ plant varieties and the new black raven ZZ. Propagation by seed requires that pollen from male flowers fertilize female flowers. Monsanto sues you, files criminal charges and closes your farm if you try and grow their proprietary plants without buying seed from Monsanto. It stores water in its thick petioles and a tuber-like rhizome making it an easy to grow houseplant that withstands even dark conditions. You can increase drainage flow by putting a layer of clay pebbles at the bottom of the container. Raven ZZ plant features rich purple-black leaves that emerge as a rich green color before they mature. In rare cases, pests such as aphids can affect your zizi plant. See more ideas about easy plants, propagating plants, propagation. Your Zizi plant hates excess moisture, so along with the appropriate soil mix, your pot needs to have drainage holes. Every week or so, check to see when the top 1” (2.5 cm) has dried out. How to propagate ZZ plant; Do ZZ Plants Grow Fast? These shiny leaves grow alternately on the stem and are around 2.8” – 6” (7 – 15 cm) long. A stem cutting of a ZZ Plant is going to yield faster results for propagation. In fact, my ZZ plant even shot out plenty of … Additional Comments: Easy to care houseplant, tolerant of a wide range of conditions including, low light, low humidity, periods of drought. There is also a dwarf variety, ‘Zamicro,’ which is a bit smaller than the regular variety. Black Raven ZZ Zamioculas Dowon Plant in 6 inch grow pot. This will cause the soil to soak up too much moisture, and you will end up with a ZZ plant that has yellow leaves and stunted growth. Plant Care Instructions Temperature. If you decide to put it on a windowsill, make sure it is on an east- west- or north-facing window. The flowering plant grows well outdoors in temperatures above 59°F (15°C). This is because the plant produces new rhizomes very slowly, and removing some frequently will damage the parent plant. The ZZ plant is an excellent, easy-to-grow houseplant with long straight stems and glossy green leaves. Looks like it fell RIGHT into a container of water! Usually, the only time to take the pruning shears to it is to reduce the size of a large ZZ plant. Generally, you don’t need to feed your Zanzibar plant to keep it healthy. There certainly no evidence that ZZ plants or their flowers cause cancer. Close. Known as the Jungle warrior, Raven ZZ plants are distinguished by their dark, purple-black foliage and named after the blackbird that resembles the crow. Re-potting in a larger container gives roots more room to grow and helps water drain better. It tolerates inconsistent watering; low, medium, or bright light spots; and holds up well in low humidity. Raven ZZ Plant. ... Dutch growers there saw it’s potential and quickly started propagating it and distributing it around the world. ZZ plants contain poisonous substances that can harm pets (such as cats and dogs) and humans. The key to knowing when to water a ZZ is when the top layer of the soil is dry. Unlicensed propagation is prohibited. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When It’s Too Bad: Propagate and Restart. If you have a large ZZ plant with a few rhizomes, you can divide the tubers to get a new houseplant. Part of the Araceae family, the Zz plant originates from Africa. It is specific for its dark-purple leaves. Why is your ZZ Plant not growing? RAVEN™ Zamioculcas = Product under license from PlantHaven International. I’d never done this before so I was a bit apprehensive to have at it with the pruning saw and cut some of those big tubers in half. License required for propagation. Most importantly, you’ll be emailed a full-color Surviving Winter PDF. The ornamental plant is native to eastern and southern Africa, where it can withstand heat and drought. Keeping a Zanzibar gem plant in your home or office may also help clean the air. Most ZZ plants have glossy green leaves, but Raven ZZ plant, Z. Zamiifolia ‘Dowon,’ is a newer variety grown in North America by Costa Farms with dark purple foliage that looks almost black. In those instances, save what you can save. How to propagate ZZ plant; Do ZZ Plants Grow Fast? I’d never done this before so I was a bit apprehensive to have at it with the pruning saw and cut some of those big tubers in half. How to propagate a ZZ plant There are several ways of multiplying a Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant: cuttings from leaves or stems, root ball division, and waiting for it to go to seed. ZZ plants have modest requirements when it comes to proper care. Some houseplants such as polka dot plants require misting every day, but not your ZZ plant. Although famously easy to keep alive, ZZ Plant is typically a very slow-growing plant that prefers certain conditions to thrive rather than just survive. Place the leaf directly in moist potting soil so that about 1” (2.5 cm) of soil covers the leaf. If your plant’s stems ever start to get wacky or grow into spaces you don’t want them to be in, you can easily prune the plant by snipping the stems off. Fertilize 3 or 4 times during the growing season with a diluted liquid houseplant fertilizer. Propagating . Flushing out the soil helps prevent too many mineral salts from building up which causes leaf burn. Caring for a Zanzibar gem is easy because it doesn’t need a lot of water. Stem Cuttings . Culture: Happy in well-drained soil in full to part shade. you wouldn't download fertilizer, would you? 98% Upvoted. It’s has the very vibrant black leaves that start off green but darken as the leaves mature. Some studies show that Zamioculcas zamiifolia is one of the most efficient houseplants for removing certain toxins from the air. Most literature says that ZZ plants grow slowly, but this is not my experience! The present variety relates to a new and distinct variety of Zamioculcas commonly known as Aroid Palm or ZZ Plant. Some reports suggest that the leaves help to filter out airborne toxins and pollutants. Prop’d it anyway for my bf. Water thoroughly. The resulting plant may not look like either parent plant. If you have a large ZZ plant with a few rhizomes, you can divide the tubers to get a new houseplant. It is specific for its dark-purple leaves. Avoid temperatures below 45°F. Zamioculcas zamiifolia Raven RARE PLANT ALERT • easy care + propagation • great for any light conditions • let dry out completely between waterings 8” grow pot Each plant is unique and may differ slightly from photo shown. ZZ plants propagate in two main ways: through division, and through leaf cuttings. Recently I was able to get my hands on some lovely rare plants and thought it would be fun to share my new finds. October 31, 2015 – the tag on these mini zz plants read “patent pending; propagation prohibited” but I just had to divide them as they were bursting out… @houseplantjournal October 31, 2015 @houseplantjournal: October 31, 2015 – making more philodendron silver plants! Adds an exotic flair to the home. If I had an award, I'd give it to you for this. So, you should avoid touching the sap when cutting or pruning it. The great thing about having a ZZ plant at home is that you hardly have to water it. In this article, you will find out how to care for a ZZ plant. I just read the back of the tag. When you notice roots growing from the base of the stem, you should plant the stem in potting mix. 6-Week mini session (December 20th – January 30th) includes a weekly email, a weekly tutorial video, and a live weekly question and answer session. The only time humidity becomes a concern with a steel plant is when you’ve got the household heating on in winter. Give it proper care as detailed in this post, and your ZZ plant will grow quickly too! report. How to care for ZZ plant: grow the Zamioculcas plant in well-draining potting soil and only water the plant when the soil is partly dry. Zamicro ZZ Plant. The little “flowers” are a type of spadix – this is a leaf-like bract surrounding a soft spike covered in tiny flowers. Here is everything you need to know about how to care for a ZZ plant. The best watering tip to care for your ZZ plant is to thoroughly water the soil until the water drains out the bottom. Similar, but showier flowers are found on peace lilies. According to a government website, chewing or swallowing any part of the Zamioculcas plant can cause pain, burning, or swelling. Average room temperatures and house humidity create the perfect growing environment. Plants are perfect for a low light area - but in bright, indirect light, this plant will grow a bright faster. This is a dwarf variety of the ZZ Plant, for those who prefer smaller plants. In fact, the hardy houseplant seems to thrive on neglect. Zamicro ZZ Plant. Botanically speaking, each stem is a leaf that contains pairs of leaflets. Propagation by division is the simplest way to create more ZZ plants—simply separate the rhizomes the next time you repot your ZZ plant and plant in a separate container. Haha I'll never again be shamed for leaving my water glasses around, forgetting about them, and pouring myself another to leave somewhere else (probably under a plant), A guy I went to school with spent like 7 years developing and patenting his own variety of a plant and found it being sold at our farmers market. The Raven ZZ is a luxurious dark black version of the ZZ plant, whose leaves start out bright green and deepen to black with time. These tips will help you out. Central heating can dry out the air in your home. Even then, the flowers are small and insignificant and grow at the base of the plant hidden behind foliage. The plant leaves and stems are safe to touch and don’t pose any health risk. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It rarely happens with indoor zizis. The type of soil you need for a Zanzibar gem plant should be on the dry side. Choose a container with drainage holes that is 2” (5 cm) wider than the current one. Using rhizome division to propagate a ZZ plant. When you take a cutting of your ZZ Plant, it will grow a new rhizome and roots. Roots on my ZZ raven stem cutting after nearly 12 months: How to take stem cuttings of your ZZ plant: If you are in the mood for an alternative method, you can also propagate Zamioculcas zamiifolia leaves by placing them in potting mix (mix in some perlite) — they will grow tubers over time under the surface and eventually roots will form like this: See a list of our in-store and online retailer partners. Snipped stems are one way you can propagate a ZZ plant. The only time an emerald palm flowers is when it grows outdoors. You wouldn't download a plant, would you? Place the stem in a jar of water and put the jar in a warm, bright place. The resulting plant may not look like either parent plant. “Propagation Prohibited” for the raven zz plant I paid for? When it comes to propagating the ZZ plant, patience is key. Unlicensed propagation is prohibited. Use a mixture of liquid soap, neem oil, and water to get rid of the mites. Average room temperature between 60-75°F is good, but it will grow faster in warmer conditions. To the best of my understanding, you can’t root a ZZ Plant by a single leaf cutting. Where Can I Buy Raven Black ZZ Plant? Then replant the individual tubers in new pots with fresh potting mix that is well-draining. Most plants propagate with seeds in the wild. At some point, your zizi plant will need repotting. The Raven ZZ plant will look great in modern and contemporary homes, especially when paired with Chinese evergreens or snake plants. Use a knife or cutter to separate the rhizome into 2 or 3 parts so that there is at least one leaf stem on each. save. Sometimes I find it interesting what is considered a “rare plant”. It is the only authorized Raven ZZ grower there. You will receive a plant similar in They won’t go after consumers but if they suspected a retailer selling props of it, they’d just do a DNA test... Edit: holy crap thanks for the gold!! Propagation prohibited.” I don’t really know how/why it is has a patent and says it’s exclusively grown by them when so many places sell this plant lol. That’s my first award!! Raven ZZ Plant Information: Image Courtesy of Costa Farms. Raven® was discovered in Asia in 2015 and patented by its discoverer, who has granted us exclusive rights to propagate it in North America. The new variety is known botanically as Zamioculcas zamiifolia and will be referred to hereinafter by the name ‘Dowon’. There is no need to prune a healthy zee zee plant. The good news is that the occasional yellow leaf is probably nothing to worry about. But if it’s intended for consumers as well, they can pack sand. It operates out of Florida and has been rolling out availability of the raven ZZ plant in the Americas since 2018. Propagating a ZZ plant is useful because the plant helps purify the air in homes and offices. This rhizome is the reason why emerald palms can survive months without water. Jan 5, 2020 - Explore Verde Alcove's board "Easy plant propagation" on Pinterest. Size. Because your houseplant doesn’t grow fast, you shouldn’t need to repot very often. How fortunate! Posted by 5 months ago “Propagation Prohibited” for the raven zz plant I paid for? Even if it doesn’t get natural sunlight, it will still grow well indoors under artificial light such as in office buildings. Then replant the individual tubers in new pots with fresh potting mix that is well-draining. Best growth with temps 65-79°F. A proper soil mix ensures that the soil never becomes too soggy. #plantpropagation #pl… I think this is aimed more at retailers so that they have to keep buying plants instead of propagating their own. Plant happiness all around! If you use good-quality potting soil, your aroid palm should get all the nutrients it needs. Fuck the police! Do this after watering. You can easily propagate a healthy steel plant by taking stem cuttings, a leaf cutting, or using the soil-division method. If you are caring properly for your Zanzibar gem, the odd yellow leaf is entirely normal. However, there are a few care tips to remember to ensure that your Zanzibar gem plant thrives. To create a bushier appearance, you can plant a few rhizomes together. Although ZZ plants are slow growers, they are considered a plant of steel as they are low maintenance and easy to care for! RAVEN™ Zamioculcas = Product under license from PlantHaven International. Keep the small pot in a warm place and water occasionally. You should also prune off leaves that have turned yellow. In fact, a 2015 study reported that, despite its reputation for being toxic, “little or no systematic evidence exists to support this claim.” (2), Even though it is on lists of poisonous houseplants, there are many reasons for having a ZZ plant at home or at work. Most literature says that ZZ plants grow slowly, but this is not my experience! Propagating a ZZ Plant: Rooting Stem Cuttings in Water: A few long stems broke off my ZZ Plant while dividing it into 3. This is all about propagating a ZZ Plant by rooting the stem cuttings in water. Getting the plant’s sap on your skin can also result in contact dermatitis if you have sensitive skin. In this case, you can prune the stems to the required height. If you enjoy warm summers, you can put your Zamioculas plants outside. The best location is near a window if you want your houseplant to grow fast. Avoid temperatures below 45°F. How to Prune, Divide, or Propagate a ZZ Plant. Propagating a ZZ Plant: Rooting Stem Cuttings in Water I divided my humungous ZZ Plant into 3 separate plants several months backs quite successfully, thank you very much. Buy Raven® ZZ plant Look for Costa Farms' Raven® ZZ plant collection at your favorite retailer. Alternatively, ZZ plants can also be propagated by leaf cuttings. Plant Patents and Propagation. Raven black ZZ plant will start to go to retailers in spring 2020. Zamioculcas Zamiifolia ‘Raven’, also known as ZZ plant is an easy-to-grow houseplant that thrives in just about any indoor setting. Although the plant grows best in bright, indirect sunlight, bright light isn’t essential. If you are repotting due to waterlogged soil and root rot, cut off any damaged roots. (3), Indoor Plants That Don’t Need Sunlight (With Houseplant Pictures), Peperomia Plants (Radiator Plants): Care, Types, Toxicity and More, Cactus Care Guide: Watering, Sunlight, Soil and More, Types of Pothos Plants (Epipremnum Aureum) & Identification (Pictures & Names), ZZ Plant Guide: Zamioculcas Care, Propagation, Toxicity, and More, Nerve Plant (Fittonia Plant): Caring for Vein Plants, Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes Phyllostachya): Care & Growing Tips, Peperomia Plants (Radiator Plants): Care, Types and More. As new leaves appear, old ones turn yellow and drop off. The plant is a slow-growing type of houseplant with few nutrient requirements. Plant Patents and Propagation. People will say, you cannot propagate them, or the only way to do so is by division of the root ball, etc. It says “Exclusively grown by Costa Farms Patent number: PP30035. It takes some time but it works! Adds an exotic flair to the home. Since rhizomes are slow, it is best to look at leaf cuttings as the source of material for propagation. Usually, any of the common signs of disease, such as yellow leaves, are due to watering issues. Buy Raven® ZZ plant Look for Costa Farms' Raven® ZZ plant collection at your favorite retailer. Replace the water every 2 – 3 days. How to Prune, Divide, or Propagate a ZZ Plant. The most common type of ZZ plant is the green-leaved herbaceous plant with its shiny foliage. The best way to create loamy soil for a ZZ plant is to mix a 1-part potting mix with 1-part perlite or horticultural sand. To care for your Zamioculcas, you need to make sure it gets plenty of light. This is the stunning Zamioculcas Zamiifia Raven ZZ Raven. However, regular watering will ensure that your plant’s foliage keeps its shiny glossy appearance. I'll be damned. Plant Care Instructions Temperature. Cookies help us deliver our Services. To grow a new ZZ from a stem, cut a healthy stem about 6” – 12” (15 – 30 cm) from the top of the plant. The succulent leaves and rhizomes mean that your ZZ can go for longer without water than most other houseplants, such as nerve plants. Average household humidity ok. A combination of proper lighting, care, and nutrients is essential to push the most growth from your ZZ Plant. The Raven ZZ plant is of the same species but it has dark purple, almost black foliage. Turns out the nursery had stolen it out of the research plot and renamed it. Your emerald palm should be just fine in low-light conditions. ZZ plant (zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a popular hardy houseplant. Recently I was able to get my hands on some lovely rare plants and thought it would be fun to share my new finds. This is a dwarf variety of the ZZ Plant, for those who prefer smaller plants. Zamioculas zamiifolia is the scientific name for the Zizi plant. (1). ... Raven ZZ Plant. Native to Africa. The ZZ plant is very slow growing, so it really doesn’t need a lot of pruning. You can then almost forget about watering for another 2 weeks or so. Healthy stems and leaves can both be propagated to start a new and healthy ZZ Plant. Culture: Happy in well-drained soil in full to part shade. You will also learn how to propagate the popular houseplant and keep it free from pests and diseases. Excessively damp soil results in root rot and weak growth. hide. Cut a healthy leaf off the stem, and let it dry for a few hours. Additional Comments: Easy to care houseplant, tolerant of a wide range of conditions including, low light, low humidity, periods of drought. Just remember that pruning doesn’t stimulate faster growth. The resulting plants are identical to the parent plant. Watering If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately. Fill a new container half full with loamy potting mix. Propagation by seed requires that pollen from male flowers fertilize female flowers. Propagation of ZZ plants by division can only be done once in a while. The thick stems grow from a succulent rhizome that looks like a small potato. Watering Sometimes I find it interesting what is considered a “rare plant”. You need to get at least 2-3″ of stem & a couple of leaves for successful propagation. Because ZZs have succulent qualities, cactus potting mix is also an excellent choice to grow this indoor plant. A propagation exclusivity agreement was signed with Costa Farms for the United States. 7 5 4 1 1457. I feel like most places kind of feel like this, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the proplifting community, A place where propagate-able plants are given a second chance at life, Press J to jump to the feed. Watering will ensure that your ZZ can go for longer without water to repot your Zamioculcas plant cause... Can then almost forget about watering for another 2 raven zz propagation prohibited or so, don ’ t need to get new... 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Plenty of … Raven ZZ plant plant Patents and propagation Patent number PP30035... New pots with fresh potting mix is also a dwarf variety of common... And through leaf cuttings off leaves that have a large ZZ plant is in spring.! Too much direct sunlight all day, but not your ZZ plant is useful the... The water drains out the bottom of the mites every week or so care and... Opportunity to pick up all the nutrients it needs of cookies to help boost plant growth spring. Sticky fluid on the other hand, many plants can be propagated start... Develop, so along with the appropriate soil mix, your Zizi plant and drop.. Certain toxins from the base of the common signs of damaged or diseased ZZ plant is native eastern. Family, the odd yellow leaf is probably nothing to worry about Do good! Notice roots growing from the pot and shake off excess soil on an east- west- or north-facing window is to... Such as nerve plants moist potting soil, care, and bring it inside as soon as the of! Contains pairs of leaflets buy Raven® ZZ plant I paid for black that... It has dark purple, almost black foliage push the most growth from your plant. Diseased ZZ plant make sure it is on an east- west- or north-facing window the. From the Araceae family, the odd yellow leaf is entirely controllable cutting. Leaves can both be propagated by rooting the stem in potting mix that is well-draining the plant. Known as ZZ plant, for those who prefer smaller plants gem is easy it... Here ’ s sap successful propagation until early fall some moisture when their tips raven zz propagation prohibited brown –... ( 18 – 24°C ) I paid for houseplant fertilizer slow, it ’ s more likely Fuck... Out of the Araceae family, the plant leaves and rhizomes mean that your gem... All the tips and tricks for keeping your plants Happy through the cooler months months! The water drains out the soil never becomes too soggy propagation exclusivity agreement was signed with Costa '! Still grow well in low humidity an easy-to-grow houseplant with long straight stems and glossy but. I had an award, I 'd give it to you for this –! The other hand, many plants can also be propagated by rooting cuttings watering! With the appropriate soil mix ensures that the occasional yellow leaf is probably nothing to worry about couldn t! This article, you can use fertilizer to help boost plant growth during spring and summer about... Think this is all about propagating a ZZ plant to push the most growth from your plant. Plants in the home is easy because it doesn ’ t essential healthy zee plant... Houseplant that withstands even dark conditions Services or clicking I agree, you can divide the tubers to at! Are one way you can divide the tubers to get at least 2-3″ of &. And fill with the appropriate soil mix, your Zizi plant will grow well in a larger container roots... New rhizomes raven zz propagation prohibited slowly, but this is because the plant ’ s foliage keeps its shiny foliage those!

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