IFRS Illustrative Financial Statements 2018 14 January 2019. Global Accounting Consulting Services PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Illustrative IFRS financial statements 2018 – Investments funds and the IFRS Interpretation Committee’s agenda decision on interest income issued in March 2018 (see Note 2.12). They are an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the preparation or audit of a financial report under IFRS. Example 1: Illustrative financial statements for SMEs This publication contains an illustrative set of consolidated financial statements for Good Group (International) Limited (the parent) and its subsidiaries (the Group) for the year-end 31 December 2018 that is prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Partnership is presented as an Investment Entity in accordance with IFRS 10, ‘Consolidated financial Explain the changes. the changes and their effects. RSM’s IFRS illustrative financial statements provide the consolidated financial statements of several entities across a range of structures. In addition, IFRS and its interpretation change over time. As preparers apply IFRS 9 and IFRS 15 in their 2018 annual financial statements, they should embrace the opportunity to think through how best to explain . Illustrative Financial Statements 2018. Reclassification of financial assets and financial liabilities into the SFRS(I) 9 categories has had no overall impact on their respective measurement bases. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. Illustrative IFRS consolidated financial statements 2018 (All amounts in € thousands unless otherwise stated) Investment property PwC 5 Commentary – Consolidated statement of financial position The commentary that follows explains some of the key requirements in IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements that impact the consolidated statement of financial position. VALUE IFRS Plc – Interim financial reporting June 2018 is for illustrative purposes only and should be used in conjunction with the relevant financial reporting standards and any other reporting pronouncements and legislation applicable in specific jurisdictions. Financial Statements 2018’ (‘Example Financial Statements’). on these areas, see our publications Guide to annual financial statements – Illustrative disclosures (September 2018) and Guide to annual financial statements – Illustrative disclosures for banks (December 2018). Ltd., prepared in accordance with: l Financial Reporting Standards in Singapore (FRSs) These model accounts will assist the reader in preparing financial statements by illustrating the required disclosure and presentation for UK groups and UK companies reporting under IFRS. These examples also illustrate the tagging of new elements added to the IFRS Taxonomy 2019 as a result of the analysis of common reporting practice on IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement (see Example 15) and general improvements (see Examples 7, 8 and 17) . We have attempted to create a realistic set of financial statements for VALUE IFRS Plc, a corporate entity that manufactures Accordingly, this guide Preface About this publication: This publication is an illustrative financial statements (IFS) of a Singapore-incorporated company, ABC Pte. that the application of IFRS 16 will have on the Group’s consolidated financial statements in the period of initial application. financial statements comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued at 31 May 2018 and that apply to financial years commencing on or after 1 January 2018. Illustrative Financial Statements Illustrative Financial Statements 2018 iv Application of SFRS(I) 9 The accounting policies under SFRS(I) 9 are illustrated in Note 2.4. The Example Financial Statements are based on the activities and results of Illustrative Corporation and its subsidiaries (‘the Group’) – a fictional consulting, service and retail entity that has been preparing IFRS financial statements … This publication provides an illustrative annual report for a UK listed group for the year ended 31 December 2018. These are illustrative IFRS financial statements of a listed company, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.