4. It is a good idea to have these steps posted in the room or available as a handout. Students must complete through page 6 before the start of the workshop. Decision-making is a National Standard 2.1, 13.1, 13.6 Student Prior Knowledge: List the options. Leading Use it as an electronic document or as worksheets. Identify the problem. This book has been designed as a practical tool for helping professional therapists, counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, teachers, group leaders, etc. 6. Explain your decision. 5. 3. of the workbook; • As an aid for making a shared decision together with someone; • As a way to help someone prepare for a planning or decision making meeting about their physical or mental health treatment and services. A blackboard framework is a natural model for describing group problem solving in complex and ill-structured settings. My energy will go into making the decision. put in me the ability to always make right decisions. It is suitable for both self-study and as the basis for an upper-division undergraduate course in judgment and decision making. Decision Making Skills and Goal Setting: Lesson Plans Summary: Activities to be used in a lesson on decision making and goal setting. About This Workbook The activity pages in the Critical Thinking Workbook are meant to be shared and explored. Main Curriculum Tie: Alaska Student Standards: Healthy Living Skills: A1, B1, C1, D1 Discuss values, goals, decision-making and personal responsibility. What decision do you have to make? • Use the information provided in this workbook to compare current knowledge, skills and attitudes. You can either print off the pages and use them as activity sheets, or you can edit them directly right in the document on your computer. Bring the workbook with you to the workshop. Decision Making Worksheet 1. A General Approach to Decision Making Whether a scientist, an executive of a major corporation, or a small business owner, the general approach to systematically solving problems is the same. 2. Another factor that affects the decision-making process is the amount of risk involved in making a particular decision. What possible actions could you take? There are also Answer Keys for the activities Workbook . Depending on the role of the professional using The Conflict Management Skills Workbook and the specific group’s needs, these sections can be used individually, combined, or Weigh the consequences. Consider your values. Decide and act. The workbook should be completed before arriving to the workshop, so during the workshop you and your peers can continue reflecting these concepts in activities and discussions. List the pros and cons of each option. The model and an example should be shared with students during the teaching of the skill. When I make a decision, I will stand behind it. The rise and fall of my emotional tide will not deter me from my course. • Appreciate how the NCCP Code of Ethics might influence future decisions. He did, however, put in me the ability to make a decision and then make it right. Describe what you will do. I will waste none on second thoughts. Schloss, Alper, and Jayne (1994) detailed four levels of risk taking associated with making a choice: 1. decision to be made, brainstorm options, identify if they need help making the decision, make the decision, and describe the outcome of the decision. • Evaluate options for decision or action, factoring in the decision-making process followed and the possible consequences of the decision or action. Core Values & Decision Making . The following 7 step approach to better management decision making can be used to study nearly all problems faced by a business. This workbook will serve as an introduction to the Ethics and Decision Making (EDM) workshop. "Decision Making" is relatively short (300 pages) and richly illustrated with approximately 100 figures. At a descriptive level, this leads us to a theory of group interaction. DO NOT GO FURTHER THAN PAGE 6. What is important to you?